How to Keep Your Electrical System Safe and Efficient

Electrical system

As people rely more on energy, common concerns that face homeowners and their families revolve around safely using electricity. At the same time, people want to use as little energy as possible without sacrificing essential devices, appliances, and equipment. Fortunately, many safe energy practices will also help you use electricity more efficiently.

Schedule an Electrical Inspection

It’s not uncommon for storms, pests, and other factors to damage your electrical system. To combat this damage, you should ask an electrician in San Jose, CA, for an inspection every five years. Regular inspections will diagnose the quality of your wiring and electrical panel. Your electrician can repair damage and suggest improvements to ensure safe and efficient energy use.

Ask an Electrician in San Jose, CA, to Update Your Electrical Panel

When you bring a new electronic device or appliance into your home, it’s important to recognize that the new equipment alters your home’s electricity needs. Drawing too much power will lead you to frequently tripping the circuit breakers. Additionally, power surges increase fire and shock hazards. An electrician can update your panel to meet your new energy needs.

Dust Your Appliances on a Regular Basis

A dusty appliance or computer doesn’t just look bad. The dust will get into the air vents and block circulation, causing overheating. In addition to damaging the device, overheating produces electrical shorts that cause arcs. Keeping your devices clean will extend their longevity while also protecting your electrical system from damage.

Install Additional Outlets and USB Ports

Using an extension cord or power strip should only be a temporary fix. If you find that you need power strips to connect multiple devices to a limited number of outlets, contact an electrician in San Jose, CA. They can install additional outlets. They can also install USB ports to provide better efficiency in charging phones, tablets, and other devices.

Schedule an Electrical Inspection

ARC Electrical provides electrical inspections, repairs, and updates. If it has been more than a few years since your last electrical inspection, or if you’re experiencing electrical problems, we can thoroughly inspect your home’s system. Contact us to schedule service today!