Extend the Lifespan of Your Electronics with ARC’s Surge Protection in Palo Alto

electronic gadget

When you buy a power strip with surge protection, you’ll provide protection for anything you plug into that strip. However, that protection is generally limited, which means one powerful surge can use it all up at once, leaving your equipment vulnerable to future surges.

A lightning strike, for instance, could send a powerful surge traveling through your home’s entire electrical system that even a power strip with a surge protector built into it will not be able to resist. The better alternative for proper surge protection in Palo Alto, CA, and the Bay area is to hire an electrician to install a whole-home surge protector. With one in place, you’ll protect every lighting fixture and outlet against such powerful external surges.

Guard Against Damage With Whole-Home Surge Protection in Palo Alto, CA

Another benefit of whole-house surge protection is that it will protect all of your appliances, electronics, and machinery from damage. From time to time, there will be minor surges traveling through your home’s electrical wiring, and though these may typically go unnoticed, they can cause gradual damage to your electronic equipment.

When you install a whole-home surge protector, you’ll guard against these types of internal surges, protecting your electronic equipment from suffering sustained damage and allowing it to last longer as a result.

Ensure the Safe Use of Energy

Powerful surges, internal or external, can overload your home’s wiring, leading to overheating or electrical sparks, both of which can cause house fires. Even if the surge doesn’t ignite a fire, an electric arc can cause electrocution to someone using equipment that’s plugged into an affected outlet.


Whole-home surge protection in Palo Alto, CA, protects against these dangers by safely managing any surges. Instead of allowing them to reach your home’s circuits, the excess energy is safely discharged.

We’ll Help You Protect Your Home

ARC Lighting & Electric provides a full range of electrical services to help you use your home’s energy safely. If you’re ready to install a whole-home surge protector, visit us online today to get started. We’ll conduct an electrical inspection to determine the level of protection your home requires.